Slip-and-Fall Accidents

Oct 31, 2023

Slip-and-fall accidents can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. They can cause severe injuries, leading to permanent disabilities. According to recent statistics, more than one million people visit the emergency room every year due to slip-and-fall accidents. This blog post highlights essential prevention tips for both homeowners and visitors and how an attorney can help in case of such an accident.

Prevention Tips for Homeowners:

Homeowners can take several precautions to prevent slip-and-fall accidents on their property. Here are some essential tips:

1. Maintain Good Lighting: The homeowner should ensure that there is proper lighting around the property to help visitors see where they are walking.

2. Repair and Replace Damaged Surfaces: Uneven pavement, cracked tiles, or loose carpets can cause someone to trip and fall. The homeowner should repair or replace them immediately.

3. Install Handrails: Handrails should be installed wherever possible, such as in stairwells, hallways, and bathrooms.

4. Clean up Spills Immediately: Any spills should be cleaned up promptly, and warning signs should be installed until the area is dry.

Prevention Tips for Visitors:

Visitors also have a role to play in preventing slip-and-fall accidents. Here are some essential tips:

1. Wear Sensible Footwear: Wear shoes with non-slip soles or suitable grip. Avoid shoes with heels or open-toe sandals that can easily slip.

2. Pay Attention to Your Surroundings: Be aware of your surroundings and watch where you are walking. Avoid using your phone or engaging in other activities while walking.

3. Hold on to Handrails: Use handrails where available, especially when going up or downstairs.

4. Alert the Homeowner: If you notice any hazardous areas, be sure to alert the homeowner immediately so they can fix any problems.

How Can an Attorney Help Me?

In case of a slip-and-fall accident, an attorney can be helpful in several ways. Here are some of the ways an attorney can help you:

1. Investigation: An attorney can investigate the scene of the accident to determine the cause, interview witnesses, and collect evidence.

2. Medical Evaluations and Records: An attorney can help you obtain medical evaluations and records, which will help determine if you have a viable claim for damages.

3. Negotiation: Your attorney can handle all communications with the insurance company and negotiate a settlement on your behalf.

4. Litigation: If negotiations fail, your attorney can file a lawsuit in court and litigate the case on your behalf.

In conclusion, slip-and-fall accidents are preventable. Homeowners and visitors need to take precautions to avoid these types of accidents. As a homeowner, ensure there is good lighting, maintain surfaces, install handrails, and clean up spills promptly. Visitors should avoid wearing unsuitable footwear, pay attention to their surroundings, hold onto handrails, and notify homeowners of unsafe areas. An attorney can also be helpful in case of a slip-and-fall accident by investigating, obtaining medical evaluations, negotiating, and litigating on your behalf. Working together, we can reduce the number of slip-and-fall accidents, and the injuries they cause.

24 Apr, 2024
New York is known for its bustling city life, but it also has its fair share of wildlife. From Central Park to the Catskill Mountains, encounters with animals can happen at any time. Unfortunately, these encounters can sometimes lead to dangerous situations where you may need legal help. In this blog post, we will discuss when it is necessary to hire an animal attacks attorney in New York.  The first scenario where you may need an animal attacks attorney is if you have been bitten or attacked by someone else's pet. In New York, pet owners are responsible for the actions of their animals, and if their pet has caused harm to you, they may be liable for your injuries. An experienced animal attacks attorney can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Another situation where hiring an animal attacks attorney is crucial is if you have been attacked by a wild animal. While these incidents are rare in urban areas like New York City, they can still happen in more rural parts of the state. If you have been injured by a wild animal, it can be difficult to determine who is responsible for your injuries. An animal attacks attorney can investigate the circumstances of the attack and help you hold any negligent parties accountable. Additionally, if you are a pet owner whose animal has been accused of attacking someone else, hiring an animal attacks attorney is essential. In New York, pet owners can be held liable for their animal's actions if they knew or should have known that their pet had dangerous tendencies. An attorney can help defend your rights as a pet owner and work to minimize any potential consequences for your beloved companion. Furthermore, if you work in an industry that involves handling or caring for animals, such as a zookeeper or veterinarian, it is important to have an experienced animal attacks attorney on retainer. These professions come with inherent risks of being injured by animals, whether through bites, scratches, or other means. Having a legal expert on your side can ensure that your rights are protected in case of any workplace accidents involving animals. Knowing when to hire an animal attacks attorney in New York could make all the difference in getting the justice and compensation you deserve after being involved in an animal-related incident. Whether it's a dog bite from a neighbor's pet or a workplace accident involving wildlife, having legal representation on your side can alleviate stress and ensure that your rights are protected. Don't hesitate to reach out to The Law Office of Tedd Kessler, P.C. if you find yourself in need of assistance after an animal attack - we will guide you through the process and fight for your best interests.
28 Mar, 2024
Understanding Wrongful Death Lawsuits in New York
01 Mar, 2024
Understanding Liability in Truck Accidents: Who to Sue After a Crash in New York
31 Jan, 2024
New York's bustling streets aren't just for taxis and pedestrians. Bikes weave in and out of traffic, becoming an increasingly popular mode of transportation in the city that never sleeps. However, with this surge in cycling comes an unfortunate uptick in accidents involving cyclists. If you find yourself in such a predicament, knowing your rights and how to protect them is crucial. That's where a bicycle accident attorney steps in.  Understanding Bicycle Laws in New York Before diving into what a bicycle accident attorney can do for you, it's important to understand the laws that affect cyclists in New York. Cyclists are required to abide by the same traffic laws as motorists; this means obeying traffic signals, signs, and lane markings. Additionally, bicyclists must use bike lanes where available and must ride in the same direction as traffic. Despite following all regulations, accidents happen. In 2020 alone, there were 4,123 reported bicycle accidents in New York City, according to NYPD data. This highlights the need for effective legal support for cyclists. What a Bicycle Accident Attorney Can Do for You Legal Expertise A bicycle accident attorney is specialized in laws pertaining to cycling and knows the ins and outs of handling cases specifically for cyclists. Their expertise can be invaluable in various scenarios, like negotiating with insurance companies or representing your interests in court. Compensation Claims In the event of an accident, you may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and even emotional distress. An experienced attorney can ensure that your claims are appropriately filed and that no detail is overlooked when seeking damages. Investigative Resources Determining liability in a bicycle accident can be a convoluted affair. A dedicated attorney has access to resources that can strengthen your case, such as accident reconstruction experts or eyewitness testimonies. Steps After a Bicycle Accident If you've been involved in a bicycle accident, taking the following steps can help safeguard your rights: Seek Medical Attention: Health comes first. Even if injuries seem minor, it’s important to get checked by a professional. Report the Accident: Contact law enforcement to have the accident officially reported. The police report can be a crucial piece of evidence. Collect Information: Gather contact and insurance information from all parties involved, and take photos of the scene if you can. Contact an Attorney: Before dealing with insurance companies, consult with a bicycle accident attorney to discuss your rights and next steps. Cycle with Confidence While cycling through New York's dynamic neighborhoods can be exhilarating, understanding your rights as a cyclist is paramount. In the unfortunate event of an accident, having a bicycle accident attorney by your side ensures that you are not left to navigate the complex legal landscape alone. No one plans to be in an accident, but preparedness can make all the difference. New York residents who cycle, remember: it’s not just about wearing a helmet, but also about protecting your rights. Whether you're commuting to work or enjoying a leisurely ride through Central Park, cycle with the peace of mind that comes from knowing a bicycle accident attorney can fight for you if need be. Ride safely, New York, and know that in the city's tangle of streets, your rights as a cyclist are respected and upheld.
15 Dec, 2023
Who is Liable for Your Injuries if You Fall in a Grocery Store?
28 Nov, 2023
What to Do After Getting into a Motorcycle Accident - A Legal Guide for New York Residents
By Tedd Kessler 30 Sep, 2023
Losing a loved one in a car accident is a tragic experience that no one should have to go through. Unfortunately, car accidents are a common occurrence in New York City, and they can result in life-altering injuries or even death. If you’ve lost a family member in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be eligible for compensation. In this blog post, we’ll explore whether you can seek a wrongful death settlement after a car accident in New York, how to qualify for compensation, how much you can receive, the time limitations to seek a settlement, and how an attorney can help you.  To begin with, a wrongful death occurs when someone dies due to another person's negligence or misconduct. In New York, if the death was caused by a car accident, the surviving family members may be entitled to compensation for their loss. However, to seek a wrongful death settlement, certain qualifications must be met. For instance, the person seeking to receive compensation must be a surviving family member of the deceased, such as the spouse, children, or parents of the deceased. Additionally, the family must prove that the death was caused by the negligence or misconduct of the other driver. Moving on, the amount of compensation a family can receive for a wrongful death settlement varies depending on the circumstances surrounding the accident. Family members can receive economic damages for expenses related to the accident, such as medical bills, funeral costs, and lost wages. They can also receive non-economic damages, such as compensation for emotional pain and suffering. The amount of compensation could range from a few thousand dollars to several million dollars, depending on the severity of the accident. Moreover, if you’re seeking a wrongful death settlement in New York, you should be aware of the time limitations involved. In the state of New York, the statute of limitations for wrongful death cases is two years from the date of the accident. If you wait too long to file a claim, you risk losing the right to seek compensation. It’s therefore crucial to speak to an attorney as soon as possible after the accident to start the process of seeking a wrongful death settlement. Lastly, hiring an attorney is essential when seeking a wrongful death settlement. An attorney can help guide you through the process of filing a claim and increase your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve. They can also explore all options available, such as the possibility of reaching a settlement out of court or going to trial. Losing a loved one in a car accident is a devastating experience. However, if the accident was caused by someone else's negligence, you may be eligible for compensation. If you’re considering seeking a wrongful death settlement after losing a family member in a car accident in New York, it’s essential to speak to an experienced attorney. They can guide you through the process of seeking compensation and help ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Remember that time is of the essence, so don't wait too long to contact an attorney.
By Tedd Kessler 31 Aug, 2023
Truck accidents are some of the most catastrophic incidents that can happen on roadways. These accidents often result in severe injuries, fatalities, and extensive property damage. If you have been involved in a truck accident in New York, it is essential to understand the legal principles of liability. In this blog post, we will provide a comprehensive guide to help you understand liability in a truck accident in New York.  1. Understanding Liability in a Truck Accident Liability in a truck accident refers to the responsibility of the individual or entity (such as the trucking company) that caused the accident. In New York, liability is based on the principle of negligence. Negligence refers to the failure to exercise reasonable care that a reasonable person would have exercised under similar circumstances. Therefore, if the truck driver or the trucking company was negligent, they could be held liable for the accident's damages. 2. Potential Parties to the Lawsuit Several parties could be held liable for a truck accident in New York, including the truck driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, and the loading company. In some cases, multiple parties may share liability for the accident. For example, the truck driver could be liable for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, while the trucking company could be held responsible for failing to maintain the vehicle or hiring unqualified drivers. 3. Damages in a Truck Accident Victims of a truck accident in New York can pursue compensation for both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages refer to damages that can be quantified, such as medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage. On the other hand, non-economic damages refer to damages that are more subjective, such as pain and suffering, emotional distress, or loss of enjoyment of life. An experienced attorney can help you determine the damages you should pursue in your truck accident case. 4. Comparative Negligence in New York Comparative negligence is a legal principle that determines each party's degree of fault in an accident. New York is a comparative negligence state, which means that if a victim shares a percentage of fault for the accident, their damages will be reduced by that percentage. For example, if a victim is found to be 30% at fault for an accident that resulted in $100,000 damages, their compensation will be reduced by $30,000. Being involved in a truck accident is a traumatic experience that can result in significant physical, emotional, and financial damages. However, understanding liability in a truck accident in New York can help victims pursue the compensation they deserve. If you have been involved in a truck accident, it is essential to consult with an experienced attorney who can guide you through the legal process and help you recover the maximum compensation available. Contacting a New York personal injury attorney is a critical step in protecting your legal rights.
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